Unusual weevil (Curculionoidea)
Spruce Aphid (Elatobium abietinum) Damage
Large Old World Swallowtail Butterfly
Black fly
Early wasps
Communities on the southern coastline of Kenai Peninsula have noticed changes to trees as a result of the aphid.
Unknown furry moth
On the upper Klamath River
First mosquito (and bite) of year.
An early season?
Warm temperatures drive emergence of early willow buds, pollen and honey bee activity.
A small black fuzzy caterpillar seen in the NPS administrative building in King Salmon, Alaska
Unusual Insect
Unusual beetle
New insect species typically arrive in Finland via Russia’s Karelian Isthmus. Entomologists say that the number of species in the
5-31-15 Unusual beetle - Goodnews Bay, Alaska, USA
5.21-15 Insect die-off - Chistochina, Alaska, USA
Unusual moth
We have bees in February
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