Escapted farmed salmon threatens wild salmon stocks across Northwest Iceland, where it has entered rivers.
Anglers caught dozens of humpback salmon in Eyjafjarðará river yesterday, RÚV reports. Humpack salmon are spreading in Iceland and threatening local fish species in Icelandic rivers.
Jekyll and Simon keep showing up in all the same places — which is weird, because they are great white sharks. The apex predators are widely believed to be solitary creatures, not dependent on family networks or group dynamics to navigate the oceans.
Almost 1.1 thousand tons of salmon have been harvested in the district since the beginning of the fishing season. This indicator is almost twice worse than the most unsuccessful years. The exception was the region of the Khatyrka River and the Meynypilgynskaya lake-river system, Chukotka news agency reports.
A temporary ban on all salmon fishing has been implemented in Chukotka, Russia due to declining salmon populations.
The sockeye salmon are coming back smaller for the Newhalen River and Iliamna Lake, plus not a thick as they once did when I was younger.
Joe Gaydos found a bluefin tuna washed up on Orcas Island off the coast of Washington state. According to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the fish usually roam the more temperate waters of the Pacific Ocean.
Amid severely restricted fishing on the Kuskokwim River, one bright spot has been abundant sockeye salmon runs at 30,000 fish daily near Bethel.
Several thousand pink salmon were caught in one net in connection with the extraction of the blacklisted fish. Too many Pink Salmon in the oceans and rivers threaten other species of salmon in Norway.
While subsistence salmon fishing, community members from Port Heiden found a skate in the net, which is unusual for them.
The sale of fishing permits has been suspended for two sites where water temperatures have risen to critically high levels, especially for salmon.
An observer's unexpected catch of a Stonecat in Alberta's Milk River reveals a native species of concern, prompting a draft recovery strategy for this and other at-risk fish.
NATIONThe Dallas Morning News Thousands of dead fish were found laying
Over the last several weeks the algae bloom has ranged from significant covering the surface of the lake in many places to today seeing patches of the bloom here and there on the surface. It can also be observed below the surface near the shoreline.
The Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife said the fish are yellow perch, which are common in the lake.
King and summer chum runs are forecasted to be poor, with little to no harvestable surplus available.
However, numerous fishermen say the assessment of a decline in the stock doesn't match what they're seeing on the water, where haddock appear to them to be plentiful.
When the fisherman Lars-Ivar Dale pulled up his net, he suddenly saw a species of fish he had never seen before. Fish scientist is now asking for help.
Elodea was first observed in Harding Lake in 2020 growing in isolated patches and has since been assessed and managed by the Fairbanks Soil and Water Conservation District and its partners.
It’s only the second time in history that the ocean salmon fishery has been closed in California, and the decision reflects a major decline in fish populations after the state’s driest three-year period on record.
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