Dead humpback whale
Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinus) with Saprolegnia
I was flying on Monday and found a giant beached dead humpback whale up on the mudflats near Birchwood. I see belugas all the time but never a humpback.
Dead sea otter and star fish
Tuesday’s (September 29) sighting of a gray whale swimming and possibly feeding right off the Stanley Park Seawall brings recent sightings up to three in that area. It isn’t clear if it is the same whale or different whales in the widely reported incidents since August 12. One whale, perhaps the same animal each time, was observed for days in the same area in English Bay, sometimes travelling into Burrard Inlet and off West Vancouver’s Ambleside Beach.
A dead juvenile female humpback whale near Dolgoi Island
11-29-14 Sick harbor seal - Chefornak, Alaska, USA
Dead orca observed in the Bering Strait region.
11-18-15 Bearded seal with hair loss - Shishmaref, Alaska, USA
10-19-13 Hairless seal - Shishmaref, Alaska, USA
Rare polar bear sighting in Sisualik summer camp, about 10-11 miles north of Kotzebue, AK.
Pacific walruses are beaching on Northwest Alaska shores, peppered with bleeding skin legions that have been observed on dying ringed seals in Arctic Alaska, according to federal biologists.
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