In 2022, a record number of Bigg’s killer whales (orcas) and humpback whales were spotted in the waters surrounding Victoria as well as south along Washington’s border.
Residents near the University of Victoria are cautioned to be vigilant as authorities are responding to sightings of a bear in the area.
Lesser Goldfinch birds were seen munching on local greenery
Visitors advised not to swim in lake and keep dogs on leash
The A5 pod has returned to the Broughton Archipelago, their traditional winter hunting ground, with a brand new baby in tow.
Bird is uncharacteristically alone and far from home
DFO proposes closing an area from Sheringham Point to East Point
Environment Canada says these smoky conditions could remain until Wednesday.
‘I’ve never seen that before in my life’
There are many types of crabs that are green in colour, but only the European green crab has five spines on the outside of each eye. The aggressive invasive species was discovered in Skidegate Inlet; and now working group formed to decide next steps.
An exceptionally dry November means that water levels are low in the hydro electric watersheds on Vancouver Island. The four reservoirs on the Island, located in Jordan River, Ash River, Puntledge River and Campbell River provide a third of Vancouver Island’s power supply.
A B.C. photographer and her dog found a Giant Pacific octopus washed up on the shore of a Vancouver Island beach.
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