Gray Catbird found northwest of its normal range.
Observation by Karen Johnson:
Rare sighting in Alaska
Comments from LEO Editors:
This observation has been forwarded to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Invasive Species Program.
Gray Catbirds (Dumetella carolinensis) are a medium sized songbird with a long, black tail and a narrow, straight bill. From a distance, they may seem to be completely gray but they actually have a small patch of black feathers at the top of their head, and a dark brown patch under the tail. They favor shrubs, small trees, and other tangle vegetation found on forest edges. Their usual breeding range extends from southern British Columbia through the midwest, reaching the eastern seaboard. Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Gray Catbird Species Profile
Observations of birds outside their normal range can be reported using E-Bird. Observations of bird sightings contribute to a global effort to map birds species ranges.