St. Marys residents concerned about possible interactions
Observation: Wolves have been reported in and around the community, tracks were seen during day time and one wolf was caught by a local hunter, We haven't heard of any sightings or tracks since then. This is important because wolves pose a safety concern for the residents and pets within the community. C. Prince
LEO says: Gray Wolf range and habitat - The wolf occurs throughout mainland Alaska, on Unimak Island in the Aleutians, and on all of the major islands in Southeast except Admiralty, Baranof, and Chichagof. This range includes about 85 percent of Alaska's 586,000 square-mile area. Wolves are adaptable and exist in a wide variety of habitats extending from the rain forests of the Southeast Panhandle to the arctic tundra along the Beaufort Sea. Alaska is home to an estimated 7,000 to 11,000 wolves. ADF&G
Wolves are common throughout the northern to central parts of the Togiak Refuge. Wolves are classified as both big game and as furbearers in Alaska. Gray wolves, also known as timber wolves, are described as having the greatest natural range of any terrestrial mammal, excluding Homo sapiens. Togiak National Wildlife Refuge | Alaska, U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service. M. Tcheripanoff
Resource: 'Staying safe in wolf country' brochure from the Division of Wildlife Conservation of the Alaska Department of Fish & Game