Weather patterns have changed so much in the past several years.
Erica Mitchell writes,
Our weather patterns have changed so much these past several years. We've never had so much west winds in one year's time. Also, we have more southerly winds than ever, which causes milder winters- slightly cooler summers- like they predicted. A shared observation posted by Stan Oxereok and Erica Mitchell, ANTHC.
Moses Tcheripanoff writes,
This observation has been added to the LEO Extreme or Unseasonable Weather Project. See related observations in the attached project. The weather graph image below (WU | Weather Underground) provides a snapshot of weather conditions for Wales, AK on the date of this observation. Following that is a chart of average monthly temperatures for Wales. The grey and yellow bars compare average monthly temperatures from between 1961-1990 nad 2010-2019 (projected). The comparison does show higher recorded temperatures year-round. This observation has been shared with the National Weather Service Alaska Region , NOAA.
National Weather Service Alaska Region Consult:
Climate Science and Services Manager Rick Thoman, writes, "Any chance of getting more specifics? More west winds in 2017, since last summer? Here's a plot of low level wind (Figure 1.) departures from normal for June 1-July 26. The warm colors show areas with more southerly winds than normal, the cool colors areas more northerly winds than normal. This goes along with Stanely and Erica's observation of increased southerly winds this summer in the Bering Strait region." Source: Environmental and Scientific Services Division, National Weather Service Alaska Region, NOAA
Figure 1. A plot of low level wind departures (Source: NOAA/ESRL Physical Sciences Division)
High water on village creek near the Post Office. Photo Courtesy of Stan Oxereok
Source: UAF Scenarios Network For Alaska + Arctic Planning
Source: Weather Underground